This was a project I did in collaboration with the Botanical Gardens in Gothenburg. There were four different briefs to choose from and rest, play, knowledge, and behind the scenes. I did somewhat of a combination of play and knowledge.
This project had two purposes; the first; short term one was to show the importance of nature and the creatures within it, teaching children (and adults) about pollinators. This also involved creating a dwelling for the pollinators to live in.
The second part of this project was to encourage imagination and creativity for people who visit nature wherever it might be, by planting a seed of inspiration. Hopefully making nature a more playful, fun, and enchanting place to visit.

In creating this project I tried several new techniques, I learned how to use a laser-cutter but I also tried new ways to sketch up the building, both with traditional illustrations but also by creating mock-up renditions in modo of both the characters and the actual building.